Report: Driver Of Red Hummer Displays Gun At Another Driver At I-90 And I-290/Il53 Near Schaumburg

Illinois State police responded about 5:57 PM Wednesday to a report of a hit-and-run with a gun displayed 42.055092,-88.029592 (eastbound I-90 and southbound I-290 Schaumburg, IL). Police received a report that the driver of a red Hummer struck a Ford Fiesta. The driver of the red Hummer was reported to have then displayed a gun at the driver of the Ford Fiesta.

The crime is reported to have occurred just before 6:00 p.m. -- possibly on the ramp from eastbound I-90 to southbound I-290/IL 53.

Illinois State police are investigating.

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gun threat, gun displayed, hit-and-run, gun threat Route 53, gun threat I-90