Man and Woman Team Scam Buffalo Grove Woman Out of $15,000 in Lottery/Tax Scam

Buffalo Grove Police received a report that a 54-year-old Buffalo Grove woman was scammed out of $15,000 while shopping at a discount store in Buffalo Grove.

The woman was approached by a man and woman who convinced her to withdraw money from her bank account and give it to them. The entire deceit and transaction occurred between 11:50 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Monday, August 10, 2015.

The man, pretended that he did not know his female accomplice. He pretended he was telling both women that he had a winning lottery ticket, but could not redeem the ticket because he was not a legal resident. The female accomplice acted to convince the victim that she could earn a share of the money if she would join her in lending the man money to help him pay the taxes he said were due on the winnings. In the face plan, the would all split the money. The scammers pretended to call a lottery office, and the victim heard someone on the other end of the conversation tell them the lottery ticket was a confirmed winner.

To get the victim's money, the scammers drove the woman to Bank of America branches at two locations, where she withdrew money and gave it to the man. At that point, the man said he was feeling sick and needed medicine, so he drove them to a grocery store. They asked the victim to go into the store to get the medicine. When she returned to the parking lot, the car and scammers were gone.

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scam, scam Buffalo Grove, Buffalo Grove Police Department