Attempted To Steal Christmas Decorations Thwarted By Neighbor On South Kaspar Ave, Arlington Heights
Arlington Heights police responded about 2:44 AM Sunday to a suspicious incident in the 1300 block of South Kaspar Avenue. police received a report that a male/white and a female/white got out of a subcompact 2-door car and attempted to steal Christmas decorations. A neighbor yelled at the offenders, and the offenders left. Their vehicle headed toward White Oak.
The crime is reported to have occurred about 2:30 a.m.
The homeowner followed up with police Sunday afternoon.
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yard theft, theft, yard theft attempt, yard theft attempt Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Police Department
The crime is reported to have occurred about 2:30 a.m.
The homeowner followed up with police Sunday afternoon.
Read this article on ...,+Arlington+Heights
yard theft, theft, yard theft attempt, yard theft attempt Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Police Department