Cook County Sheriff Seeks Public’s Help In Identifying Man Who Tried Abducting Girl On Golf Rd

MAINE TOWNSHIP, IL – Cook County Sheriff Thomas J. Dart is seeking the public's help in identifying a man who grabbed a girl and tried to drag her into a wooded area in Maine Township on Wednesday.

The 12-year-old girl fought back, bit the hand of the offender – who covered her mouth with his hands– and escaped.

A search of the area south of the 9600 block of Golf Road was conducted. A helicopter and K-9 units were also used in this search. White headphones the offender was reportedly wearing were found, but the man was not located.

He is described as a white, 20 to 30 years-old, approximately 5'8"- 5'10" tall, and approximately 170 to 190 pounds. He wore an orange and brown hooded sweatshirt and black and white pants.

Sheriff Dart asks anyone with information to call Cook County Sheriff's Police at 708-865-4896.

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attempted abduction, attempted abduction unincorporated Des Plaines, Cook County Sheriff