Theft Of Skid Steer(Snow Plow Tractor) From South Arthur Ave, Arlington Heights

Arlington Heights police received a report about 6:01 PM Thursday of a theft at 914 South Arthur Avenue Arlington Heights, IL. Police received a report that an unknown offender or offenders took a removed a black/yellow Caterpillar snow plow designed for a skid-steer (small tractor-like vehicle) and not a truck. The plow is valued at $5,000. The plow was blocked between a fence and trailer. The trailer had been moved from the parking lot by the property owner before the skid steer plow was removed.

The crime is reported to have occurred between Thursday, December 12, 2013 at 8:00 a.m. and Thursday January 2, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.

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theft, theft of snow plow, snow plow theft, snow plow theft Arlington Heights