Missing 11-Year-Old Girl From The Area Of Lincoln Lane And Miner St, Arlington Heights

Arlington Heights police responded about 12:15 PM Thursday to a report of a missing juvenile from an apartment in the block of 100 North Lincoln Lane Arlington Heights, IL. A family member reported to the Arlington Heights Police Department that Sydney Ayala, an 11-year-old female was missing from her Arlington Heights residence. Police reported that Sydney has no cell phone and no money. She was last seen wearing a gray sweatshirt and blue "Capri" style pants. Family members have not had any contact with Sydney since her disappearance.
While there are no signs of foul play at this time, due to Sydney's age, the Arlington Heights Police Department is requesting assistance in locating her.

Anyone having information should contact the Arlington Heights Police Department at 847-368-5300.


Date last seen: Thursday, October 2, 2014
Location: 100 block of north Lincoln Lane, Arlington Heights
Missing Person: Sydney Ayala, female Hispanic, 11 years-old, 5'00, 100 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes.
Last Seen Wearing: Gray sweatshirt, blue "Capri" style pants

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missing, missing girl, missing person, missing Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Police Department, missing girl Arlington Heights