Rolling Meadows Fire Department Will Host Open House At Plum Grove Rd Fire Station Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014
Rolling Meadows Fire Department will have an open house on Saturday at the fire station on Plum Grove Road.
The open house will feature guided tours of the station, safety and rescue demonstrations of their training, skills and lifesaving equipment.
Residents will also have the chance to climb aboard the department's fleet of fire engines and emergency vehicles and learn more about fire investigations.
The open house is part of the fire department's observance of National Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 5-11.
You'lll also have the opportunity to learn more about fire prevention and be treated to hot dogs cooked by Rolling Meadows Fire Chief Scott Franzgrote at the open house.
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014
Neuckranz Fire Station
2455 Plum Grove Road
Rolling Meadows, IL
Read complete article on ...,+Oct.+11,+2014
fire department open house, Rolling Meadows Fire Department
The open house will feature guided tours of the station, safety and rescue demonstrations of their training, skills and lifesaving equipment.
Residents will also have the chance to climb aboard the department's fleet of fire engines and emergency vehicles and learn more about fire investigations.
The open house is part of the fire department's observance of National Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 5-11.
You'lll also have the opportunity to learn more about fire prevention and be treated to hot dogs cooked by Rolling Meadows Fire Chief Scott Franzgrote at the open house.
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014
Neuckranz Fire Station
2455 Plum Grove Road
Rolling Meadows, IL
Read complete article on ...,+Oct.+11,+2014
fire department open house, Rolling Meadows Fire Department