Rollover Pickup Truck Crash On Exit Ramp From Route 53 To Palatine Rd, Arlington Heights/Palatine

Palatine police and firefighter/paramedics responded about 11:31 AM Wednesday to a rollover crash of a small pickup truck at 42.108423,-88.00301 (Route 53 and Palatine Rd, Palatine, IL). Police and firefighter/paramedics received a report that a pickup truck was flipped over after a crash on the exit ramp from northbound Route 53 to eastbound Palatine Road.

Police, on the scene first, reported entrapment confirmed.

Firefighters stood by with a charged line during extrication, which was completed by 11:41 a.m.

Arlington firefighter/paramedics also responded, but were returned after staging near the scene.

The driver of the pickup truck was injured and transported to Northwest Community Hospital by Palatine firefighter/paramedics.

A small pickup truck crashed with a semi-trailer truck and flipped over.

A few drivers tried to get around the blocked ramp until they realized the ramp was totally blocked. The scene and investigation is under the jurisdiction of the Illinois State Police.

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rollover crash, extrication crash, extrication crash Palatine, Palatine Fire Deparment, Arlington Heights Police Department