Crash With Injuries And Entrapment , Elk Grove Village
Elk Grove Village police and firefighter/paramedics responded about 7:41 AM Sunday to a report of a crash with entrapment on 41.991905,-88.065426 (Westbound Interstate 390 East of Roselle Road Elk Grove Village, IL). Police and firefighter/paramedics received a report that at least one person was trapped in a vehicle involved in a crash into a cable barrier in the median.
Firefighter/paramedics were working on extrication in the grassy median by about 7:45 a.m.
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expressway crash, expressway crash Elk Grove Village, Elk Grove Village Fire Department, Illinois State Police
Firefighter/paramedics were working on extrication in the grassy median by about 7:45 a.m.
Read complete article on ...,+Elk+Grove+Village
expressway crash, expressway crash Elk Grove Village, Elk Grove Village Fire Department, Illinois State Police