Metra Trains On The Up Northwest Line Stopped In Both Directions For A Pedestrian Incident In Cary West Of Metra Station
police and firefighter/paramedics responded about 6:35 AM Friday to a Metra train-pedestrian incident just west of the Cary Metra train station, 300 Crystal St Cary, IL. Police and firefighter/paramedics received a report that a pedestrian was hit by a train about one mile west of the Cary Metra Station near Main Street and Northwest Highway.
Metra trains were halted in both directions while police and firefighters searched for the victim.
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train vs pedestrian, train vs pedestrian Cary, Cary Police Department, Cary FPD
Metra trains were halted in both directions while police and firefighters searched for the victim.
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train vs pedestrian, train vs pedestrian Cary, Cary Police Department, Cary FPD