Power Outage Mount Prospect, Arlington Heights -- Primary Line Down, 1700 Without Power

Mount Prospect police and firefighter/paramedics responded about 7:13 PM Wednesday to a report of a live wire down near the Shell gas station at 606 West Northwest Highway Mount Prospect, IL. Police and firefighter/paramedics received a report that a live power line was down near Northwest Highway and Forest Avenue.

Firefighters on the scene reported a primary line was down

Power was also interrupted for a less than one minute in central Arlington Heights.

Police and firefighters also responded to Euclid Avenue and Elmhurst Road. The exact reason is not known at this time.

About 1700 ComEd customers are without power near the area.

The area of the power outage covers from

Gregory and Main Street

Milburn and Pine

Lancaster St and Central Road

About 15 customer are reported without power in Arlington Heights.

Restoration time ranges from about 9:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. according to ComEd.

Read complete article on Arlingtoncardinal.com ...


power outage, power outage Mount Prospect, power outage Arlington Heights