Rollover Crash On Golf Rd Near Meier Rd, Arlington Heights -- Minor Or No Injuries
Arlington Heights police and firefighter/paramedics responded about 2:59 PM Tuesday to a report of a rollover crash with injuries at 855 E Golf Road Arlington Heights, IL. Police and firefighter/paramedics received a report that a vehicle crash involved a rollover.
Firefighter/paramedics on scene reported one vehicle rolled over. Possibly three medical releases were involved in this call with not transportation of any people to the hospital.
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rollover crash, rollover crash Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Fire Department, Arlington Heights Police Department
Firefighter/paramedics on scene reported one vehicle rolled over. Possibly three medical releases were involved in this call with not transportation of any people to the hospital.
Read complete article on ...,+Arlington+Heights+--+Minor+Or+No+Injuries
rollover crash, rollover crash Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Fire Department, Arlington Heights Police Department