Burglary/Home Invasion Reported on Dewey St Near Lincoln St, Harvard, IL
Harvard, IL police responded about 10:20 PM Wednesday to a report of a home invasion/burglary in the block of 400 Dewey Street Harvard, IL. Police received a report that two men broke into a home and used their hands and an alleged gun to strike four adult victims inside the home. No weapon was fired. While one offender was armed with a handgun, the other offender was reported armed with a mag light flashlight.
The offenders fled from the home on foot with a purse containing car keys, a cell phone, and an undisclosed amount of cash.
The suspects were described as ...
#1) A male/Hispanic 5'7" with a slim build wearing black and red face paint.
#2) A male/Hispanic 5'7" with a slim build wearing a face mask.
The suspects were last seen heading southbond on Lincoln Street, police said.
The crime is reported to have occurred
Read complete article on Arlingtoncardinal.com ...
armed home invasion, residential burglary, armed home invasion Harvard, Harvard Police Department
The offenders fled from the home on foot with a purse containing car keys, a cell phone, and an undisclosed amount of cash.
The suspects were described as ...
#1) A male/Hispanic 5'7" with a slim build wearing black and red face paint.
#2) A male/Hispanic 5'7" with a slim build wearing a face mask.
The suspects were last seen heading southbond on Lincoln Street, police said.
The crime is reported to have occurred
Read complete article on Arlingtoncardinal.com ...
armed home invasion, residential burglary, armed home invasion Harvard, Harvard Police Department