A Near Miss with a Metra Express Train Results in Charges for Man and Woman Near Wood St and Smith St, Palatine

Palatine police responded about 7:45 AM Thursday to a report that two people were almost hit by a train at the Palatine Metra station, 137 West Wood Street Palatine, IL. Police received a report that a man and woman ran in front of a Metra express train at the Palatine Metra station, and narrowly missed being hit.

A few young girls that witnessed the near miss were crying at the scene.

A witness reported that several people on the Metra train platform flagged down police.

The police then cited the people for possessing open alcohol at the train station and for disobeying the train signals.

The incident is reported to have occurred about 7:45 a.m.

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disobeying railroad signals, open alcohol, open alcohol Palatine, Palatine Police Department, disobeying railroad signals Palatine