Vehicle Burglary on Kenneth Ave Near Palatine Rd and Wheeling Rd Prospect Heights, IL
Prospect Heights police received a report about 8:01 AM Thursday of a vehicle burglary in the block of 99 Kenneth Avenue Prospect Heights, IL. Police received a report that an unknown offender or offenders stole a cellphone valued at $300 from an unlocked 2014 Jeep Compass parked in a driveway.
The crime is reported to have occurred on Thursday, June 4, 2015 between 12:00 AM and 8:00 AM. The elapsed time range including the time the crime could have occurred is 8:0 (hours: minutes).
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vehicle burglary, vehicle burglary Prospect Heights, Prospect Heights Police Department
The crime is reported to have occurred on Thursday, June 4, 2015 between 12:00 AM and 8:00 AM. The elapsed time range including the time the crime could have occurred is 8:0 (hours: minutes).
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vehicle burglary, vehicle burglary Prospect Heights, Prospect Heights Police Department