Judge Vacates 5 Convictions Against Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich; Re-Sentencing Possible

A judge vacated five convictions against former Ill. Gov. Rod Blagojevich Tuesday.

The former Illinois governor could seek a retrial on those counts, and then possibly received a shorter sentence.

The other 12 convictions were affirmed. A jury convicted Blagojevich of 17 counts -- 11 criminal counts related to the attempted selling of President Barack Obama's old U.S. Sentate seat in 2008, and six counts involving fundraising shakedowns of a hospital executive and racetrack owner.

If the prosecutor elects to drop the vacated charges, the district court could proceed directly to re-sentencing, according to the court document USA v. Rod Blagojevich, which was released Tuesday afternoon.

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Illinois, Illinois corruption, Illinois governor, conviction, sentencing, Rod Blagojevich