Arlington Heights Fire Fighters Local 3105 Presents "A Day at the Track" at Arlington International -- Donation for MDA and Discount Tickets
Arlington Heights Fire Fighters Local 3105 Presents "A Day at the Track" Sunday August 9, 2015. Firefighters are a hosting a day at Arlington Racecourse this Sunday August 9, 2015 for our MDA Ambassador 4-year-old Ben Noble, who will be "owner for the day".
Readers of this article can visit and use a special code AHFIRE15 to activate a donation of $3 for every ticket purchased with code AHFIRE15.
AND each ticket purchase using code AHFIRE15 will received a $2 discount off of the ticket price.
Sunday August 9, 2015 is also family day at Arlington International Racecourse with live music for kids and special activities.
MDA is the Muscular Dystrophy Association fighting muscle disease.
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Arlington Heighst Fire Fighters Local 3105, Local 3105, Arlington International Racecourse
Readers of this article can visit and use a special code AHFIRE15 to activate a donation of $3 for every ticket purchased with code AHFIRE15.
AND each ticket purchase using code AHFIRE15 will received a $2 discount off of the ticket price.
Sunday August 9, 2015 is also family day at Arlington International Racecourse with live music for kids and special activities.
MDA is the Muscular Dystrophy Association fighting muscle disease.
Read complete article on ..."A+Day+At+The+Track"+At+Arlington+International+--+Donation+For+Mda+And+Discount+Tickets
Arlington Heighst Fire Fighters Local 3105, Local 3105, Arlington International Racecourse