Apple iCloud Monthly Storage: Free 5 GB Stingy, 50 GB for 99 Cents a Good Deal
Apple has finally set iCloud at a more reasonable level with competing services such as Google Drive and Dropbox, both competing services which offer around 1TB of storage for around $10 a month.
Microsoft's OneDrive at only $6.99, is still cheaper at the 1TB level.
At $6.99 a month it also comes bundled with a Microsoft Office 365 subscription.
If you save a lot of photos via backup to iCloud, or even one or two videos, you will use up your free 5GB very quickly. The free 5GB is very stingy on Apple's part. Google offers 15 GB of free online storage, and a user doesn't even have to own one of their Android OS devices. You can also set up multiple accounts without any connection to a cellphone.
Apple doesn't even reward users for having multiple devices. If you want to share an iCloud account with an iPhone and and iPad, you still only get a stingy 5GB total for both devices -- hardly even usable. Keep in mind, if you save a lot of emails, those also take up space on iCloud storage -- especially if the emails have attachments.
The 50 GB storage at 99 cents a month is a good deal
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Apple iPhone, Apple iPad, iCloud, iCloud storage
Microsoft's OneDrive at only $6.99, is still cheaper at the 1TB level.
At $6.99 a month it also comes bundled with a Microsoft Office 365 subscription.
If you save a lot of photos via backup to iCloud, or even one or two videos, you will use up your free 5GB very quickly. The free 5GB is very stingy on Apple's part. Google offers 15 GB of free online storage, and a user doesn't even have to own one of their Android OS devices. You can also set up multiple accounts without any connection to a cellphone.
Apple doesn't even reward users for having multiple devices. If you want to share an iCloud account with an iPhone and and iPad, you still only get a stingy 5GB total for both devices -- hardly even usable. Keep in mind, if you save a lot of emails, those also take up space on iCloud storage -- especially if the emails have attachments.
The 50 GB storage at 99 cents a month is a good deal
Read complete article on ...,+50+Gb+For+99+Cents+A+Good+Deal
Apple iPhone, Apple iPad, iCloud, iCloud storage