Toddler's Head Found by Police Sunday After Other Body Parts Were Found Saturday in Garfield Park Lagoon, Chicago

Chicago police responded to a report of 4:40 PM Saturday to a report of a body part found in the block of 200 McCrea Drive Chicago, IL. A toddler's left foot was found about 4:40 p.m. Saturday in the lagoon. Police on Saturday also found a toddler's right foot, right hand and left hand toward the north end of the lagoon about 20 yards from where the foot was found.

Late Sunday the toddler's head was found as the Chicago Police Department Marine Unit worked in the Garfield Park lagoon.

The age of the victim appears to be about 2-4 years-old.

The portion of Garfield Park near the northwest corner of the lagoon, along Hamlin Boulevard between Lake and Washington, was closed.

Police also retrieved a 20-pound weights, machinery items or parts and tools.

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body recovery, body recovery Chicago, Chicago Police Department