Three Teens Killed in One-Vehicle Rollover Crash, McHenry Township Fire and Rescue, McHenry County Sheriff's Office responded

McHenry Township Fire and Rescue and McHenry County Sheriff's Office responded 2:11 PM Friday to a fatal single-vehicle rollover crash near 42.311535, -88.213628 (1308 South Lily Lake Rd McHenry, Il). Three teenagers died in a single-car rollover crash and resulting vehicle fire on Lily Lake Road on Friday afternoon.

The teens' vehicle was traveling southbound on Lily Lake Road south of Wegner Road when it left the roadway, fell into a ravine, hit a tree, and landed on the driver's side of the vehicle.

A caller reported two girls were unresponsive and that the vehicle was smoking.

McHenry Township Fire and Rescue responded to find two people dead at the scene. An 18-year-old female passenger was found dead at 2:23 p.m., and an 18-year-old male -- believed to be the driver -- was found dead at 2:25 p.m.

An 18-year-old female was transported to Centegra – McHenry Hospital, where she was pronounced dead at 3:57 p.m.

Lily Lake Road was closed for an Accident Investigation until about 8:00 p.m. Friday. The McHenry County Sheriff's Police Accident Investigation Unit is conducting the investigation of the crash.

Identities of the crash victims are being withheld until all notifications of family are complete. Examination, autopsy and toxicology tests will be performed by the McHenry County Coroner's Office to determine cause of death of each victim.

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fatal crash, fatal rollover crash, fatal crash McHenry,