Car Crash into Tree Traps Driver on Lake Cook Rd Just West of Weidner Rd Buffalo Grove

Buffalo Grove police and firefighter/paramedics responded about 1:28 AM Thursday to a report of crash with injuries at 42.153229, -87.977889 (Lake Cook Road and Weidner Road Buffalo Grove, Il). Police and firefighter/paramedics initially received a report of a car vs tree crash at Arlington Heights Road and Lake Cook Road with Arlington Heights Fire Department initially dispatched.

The crash was pgraded to a crash with entrapment and possibly an ejection by 1:30 am.

Police were first on scene by 1:32 am, and reported the crash was closer to Weidner Road.

A firefighter/paramedic crew on arrival reported one patient. The crash was a onfirmed driver entrapment crash, but there was no ejection.

Buffalo Grove companies using a spreader and cutter tool to extricate the driver. Arlington Heights firefighter/paramedics were working Emergency Medical Services and Arlington Heights firefighters were on standby by with a charged hose line.

The patient was extricated by Buffalo Grove firefighters by 1:51 am.


ENGINE(S): Arlington Heights E4 Buffalo Grove E26

TRUCK(S): Buffalo Grove TL25

SQUAD(S): Arlington Heights SQD2 (Returned)

CHIEF(S): Buffalo Grove BC4 Arlington Heights BC1

EMS: Arlington Heights A4 Buffalo Grove A27

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crash, personal injury crash, crash Buffalo Grove, personal injury crash Buffalo Grove, Buffalo Grove Police Department, Buffalo Grove Fire Department