Arlington Heights Patrol Officer’s Association, Metropolitan Alliance of Police Thank Citizens for Support

Arlington Heights Police Officers recently sent a message to express and publicize their gratitude to the public for recent support in response to police incidents in the national news. Following is their letter ...

On July 7th, 2016 four officers of the Dallas, Texas Police Department and one Dallas Area Rapid Transit Police Officer were killed in the line of duty while protecting First Amendment Rights of protesters demonstrating in downtown Dallas.

For veteran officers, July 7th 2016 was the second deadliest day for law enforcement officers since September 11th, 2001.

For younger officers, July 7th 2016, was the deadliest day for law enforcement in their career.

This past week the citizens and businesses of Arlington Heights have expressed their gratitude and thanks to the officers of the Arlington Heights Police Department.

In response to the outpouring of support, the men and women of the Arlington Heights Patrol Officer's Association Metropolitan Alliance of Police Chapter #510 say, "Thank You."

Thank you for the prayer vigil held at noon at Memorial Park on July 8th.

Thank you for the words of encouragement and gratitude.

Thank you for the handshakes, smiles and waves.

Thank you for furnishing the cookies, cakes, fruit baskets and flowers.

Thank you for the hand-written letters and hand-crafted cards.

Thank you for placing the flowers and flag on the squad car in front of the police station.

And most importantly, thank you for your support not only during this past week, but each and every week.

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Arlington Heights Patrol Officer's Association, Metropolitan Alliance of Police, police officer thanks, thank you, thanks to citizens