Extrication Crash with Injuries at Patel Brothers on Golf Rd Schaumburg -- Parked Cars Hit

Schaumburg police and firefighter/paramedics responded about 1:15 PM Friday to a report of crash with injuries at 830 West Golf Road Schaumburg, Il. Police and firefighter/paramedics received a report that a driver hit several parked cars in the parking lot of Patel Brothers.

The crash involved minor entrapment in a brown Buick where a female driver reports she hit several parked cars and is trapped in her vehicle.


ENGINE(S): E54 E ??

TRUCK(S): T52 TL ??

SQUAD(S): SQD55 (Returned)

CHIEF(S): BC5 (Returned)

EMS: A51 A ??

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crash, personal injury crash, crash Schaumburg, personal injury crash Schaumburg, Schaumburg Police Department, Schaumburg Fire Department