Power Outage: Snow Plow Crash Into Electric Box with Lines Down on Hintz Rd West of Windsor Drive, Arlington Heights

Arlington Heights police and firefighter/paramedics responded about 2:35 AM Tuesday to a report of a crash of a snow plow into an electric box at Hintz Road and Windsor Drive Arlington Heights, Il. Police and firefighter/paramedics received a report from a third party that they witnessed a snow plow crash into an electric box with lines down on Hintz Road one block west of Windsor Drive.

A short time later, the snow plow driver called in to report he is not injured.

Engine 4's crew on arrival reported a primary line down on the ground by 2:40 a.m.

Engine 4's crew reported a street light pole down, but not a power line pole. The pole-to-pole line is down, however.

Engine 4's crew reported ComEd on the scene by 2:46 a.m.




EMS: A25 (returned)

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crash, crash with electric utility, crash Arlington Heights, crash with electric utility Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Police Department, Arlington Heights Fire Department