Extrication Crash at Wheeling Road and Willowbrook Drive Wheeling

Wheeling police and firefighter/paramedics responded about 4:21 PM Thursday to a report of an extrication crash, Wheeling Road and Willowbrook Drive Wheeling, Il. Police and firefighter/paramedics received a report that two people were trapped in a vehicle.

Ambulance 23's crew on arrival reported two vehicles in a crash with one vehicle on its side, and then reports all occupants out of the vehicles by 4:23 PM.

Three patients with one patient likely to be a medical refusal/release.

One patient transported to Glenbrook Hospital about 4:31 PM.

Southbound Wheeling Road was backed up past Hintz Road.

The crash was also reported on Waze.


ENGINE(S): E23? E42? E9 (returned)

TRUCK(S): T ?? T ?? TL ??


CHIEF(S): BC24 BC9 (returned)

EMS: A23 A42

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crash, personal injury crash, crash Wheeling, personal injury crash Wheeling, Wheeling Police Department, Wheeling Fire Department, rollover crash, rollover crash Wheeling