Man Charged with Impersonating an ATF Agent, Carrying a Concealed Weapon in a Bar on Arthur Ave, Arlington Heights
Arlington Heights police responded about 8:30 PM Sunday to a report of a man impersonating an ATF officer during an argument at Somebody's Bar and Grill, 858 South Arthur Avenue Arlington Heights, IL. Police received a report that a man falsely claimed to be an undercover agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Paul C. Coy, who was dressed in plain clothes, reportedly had a replica of an ATF badge on his belt and a fraudulent ID purporting to be from the ATF.
The incident allegedly started inside Somebody's Bar and Grill after Coy argued with a 51-year-old Mount Prospect man, who police said formerly dated a woman who was dating Coy as of Sunday night January 21, 2018.
The Mount Prospect man told police he initially confronted Coy inside the bar after hearing what he believed was a false claim that Coy said he was an ATF agent.
Police say Coy allegedly put his hand on his hip like he had a gun during the confrontation, which led Arlington Heights police to recommend charging Coy with aggravated assault.
When the bartender called 911, Coy was allegedly overheard on the phone by the 911 operator, identifying himself as an ATF agent.
After police officers arrived at the scene and gathered information about the confrontation, they contacted the ATF. The bureau personnel informed the Arlington Heights Police Department that Paul C. Coy was not an ATF agent.
Officers also discovered that Coy had a valid concealed carry license, and possessed a 9mm handgun while inside the bar, which is a violation of the Illinois' concealed carry law that prohibits bringing a gun inside a bar while consuming alcohol. Coy was not intoxicated at the time of the incident, according to Arlington Heights Police Department.
Coy was arrested at 9:00 p.m. Sunday, and transported to court, but was released from custody. Bond and additional court information following Coy's arrest was not available and Coy is not currently an inmate in the Cook County jail system.
Coy was charged with False Personation of a Peace Officer (Felony), Aggravated Assault, and Carrying a Concealed Firearm in an Alcohol Establishment.
Coy was required to turn his gun into the Hoffman Estates Police Department.
No injuries were reported during the confrontation.
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False Personation of a Peace Officer (Felony), Aggravated Assault, and Carrying a Concealed Firearm in an Alcohol Establishment, Arlington Heights Police Department, aggravated assault Arlington Heights, False Personation of a Peace Officer Arlington Heights
The incident allegedly started inside Somebody's Bar and Grill after Coy argued with a 51-year-old Mount Prospect man, who police said formerly dated a woman who was dating Coy as of Sunday night January 21, 2018.
The Mount Prospect man told police he initially confronted Coy inside the bar after hearing what he believed was a false claim that Coy said he was an ATF agent.
Police say Coy allegedly put his hand on his hip like he had a gun during the confrontation, which led Arlington Heights police to recommend charging Coy with aggravated assault.
When the bartender called 911, Coy was allegedly overheard on the phone by the 911 operator, identifying himself as an ATF agent.
After police officers arrived at the scene and gathered information about the confrontation, they contacted the ATF. The bureau personnel informed the Arlington Heights Police Department that Paul C. Coy was not an ATF agent.
Officers also discovered that Coy had a valid concealed carry license, and possessed a 9mm handgun while inside the bar, which is a violation of the Illinois' concealed carry law that prohibits bringing a gun inside a bar while consuming alcohol. Coy was not intoxicated at the time of the incident, according to Arlington Heights Police Department.
Coy was arrested at 9:00 p.m. Sunday, and transported to court, but was released from custody. Bond and additional court information following Coy's arrest was not available and Coy is not currently an inmate in the Cook County jail system.
Coy was charged with False Personation of a Peace Officer (Felony), Aggravated Assault, and Carrying a Concealed Firearm in an Alcohol Establishment.
Coy was required to turn his gun into the Hoffman Estates Police Department.
No injuries were reported during the confrontation.
Read complete article on ...,+Carrying+A+Concealed+Weapon+In+A+Bar+On+Arthur+Ave,+Arlington+Heights
False Personation of a Peace Officer (Felony), Aggravated Assault, and Carrying a Concealed Firearm in an Alcohol Establishment, Arlington Heights Police Department, aggravated assault Arlington Heights, False Personation of a Peace Officer Arlington Heights