DUI Arrest on Rand Road Near Turtle Creek Lane, Palatine

Arlington Heights police arrested a suspected DUI driver 9:21 PM Thursday near Rand Road and Turtle Creek Lane Palatine, IL. Police transported the driver in custody to a nearby jail. The driver's vehicle was towed to a police holding area.

The driver was observed for probable cause of DUI earlier in Arlington Heights and stopped near Rand Road and Turtle Creek Lane in Palatine.

The driver, who was identified as Gonzalo Arellano-Ibarra, 34, of the block of 4200 Jennifer Lane in unincorporated Arlington Heights, was arrested March 29, 2018 at 9:38 p.m. suspected of DUI.

Gonzalo Arellano-Ibarra was charged with ...

driving under the influence of alcohol,

failure to yield to an emergency vehicle, and

illegal lane use

Gonzalo Arellano-Ibarra was released on I-Bond.

Court date is scheduled for Monday, April 16, 2018.

Read complete article on Arlingtoncardinal.com ...


DUI, DUI arrest, arrest, North, Arlington Heights DUI arrest, DUI arrest Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Police Department, Hyperlocal A