Extrication Crash, Rollover Van on WB I-90 Express Lanes Near Route 53/IL-290

Illinois State police and Arlington Heights and Schaumburg firefighter/paramedics responded about 5:25 PM Saturday to a report of a rollover extrication crash, 42.057232, -88.024970 (WB I-90 and Route 53 Rolling Meadows, IL). Police and firefighter/paramedics received a report that the crash occurred near Meacham Road, but the crash actually occurred just east of Route 53/I-290

Schaumburg's Ambulance 52 crew on arrival reported they did not have access from Route 53, as they were too far west of the crash. Schaumburg firefighters also reported Arlington Heights firefighters were already on the scene. Schaumburg Truck 52's crew stopped on the ramp from northbound Route 53 to westbound I-90, just west of the crash scene to see if it was necessary to walk any extrication tools to the scene to assist Arlington Heights firefighter/paramedics.

A second ambulance was requested to respond to the scene at 5:48 p.m.

At least two people were transported to the hospital.


ENGINE(S): E3 E ??

TRUCK(S): T ?? TL1 Schaumburg T52



EMS: A2 A1 Schaumburg A52

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crash, personal injury crash, crash Rolling Meadows, personal injury crash Rolling Meadows, Rolling Meadows Police Department, Rolling Meadows Fire Department, rollover crash, rollover crash I-90, I-90 crash, crash I-90, Interstate 90, crash Interstate 90