Power Outage Affects About 600 ComEd Customers; Lines Down, Transformer Explosions and Tree Fires, Mount Prospect
Mount Prospect police and firefighter/paramedics responded about 9:01 AM Wednesday to a report of numerous electric power problems starting at 1240 South Elmhurst Road Mount Prospect, IL. Police and firefighter/paramedics received a report of activated alarms and power problems.
At 1240 South Elmhurst there was a report of a fire in the back of a house near Huntington Square Apartments -- believed to be a transformer fire at 8:50 a.m.
At 1200 West Northwest Highway between Evanston Avenue and Waterman Avenue there was a report of a loud explosion of an electric transformer.
At 103 West Lonnquist Boulevard firefighters received a report of a transformer fire near water.
At 9:52 a.m. there was a report of a large fire in a backyard. Firefighters on arrival reported light smoke in the backyard. Police were first on the scene and reported a tree fire related to a power line.
At 9:56 a.m. firefighters also received a report of a fire at 111 West Lonnquist Boulevard. Firefighers checked several homes on Lonnquist Boulevard and on West Orchard Place in the area.
On some of the scenes near Lonnquist Boulevard there was loud humming in the backyards with arcing and trees caught fire. Mount Prospect fire command reported no structures burning in the area, but that an active wire was on the ground. ComEd was requested to the scene.
Just prior to the series of electrical problems there were also several activated fire alarms, including the Central Park East Apartments on Central Road near Arthur Avenue in Arlington Heights.
Des Plaines firefighters also responded to the area near Elmhurst Road and Millers Road across from Huntington Square Apartments to a report of a line down on a fence.
Power outages reported by ComEd ...
Sunset Rd and Tower LN
Customers Affected: 98
Crew Status: Scheduling Crew
Probable Cause: Under Investigation
Estimated Restoration: Jun 27, 12:45 PM
Debra Rd and Beau Dr
Customers Affected: 420
Crew Status: Scheduling Crew
Probable Cause: Under Investigation
Estimated Restoration: Jun 27, 12:30 PM
Central Rd and Wapella Ave
Customers Affected: 91
Crew Status: Scheduling Crew
Probable Cause: Under Investigation
Estimated Restoration: Jun 27, 4:00 PM
Read complete article on Arlingtoncardinal.com ...
power outage, ComEd, downed power lines, downed power lines, power outage Mount Prospect, lines down Mount Prospect,Mount Prospect Fire Department, Mount Prospect Police Department, Hyperlocal B, Hyperlocal A
At 1240 South Elmhurst there was a report of a fire in the back of a house near Huntington Square Apartments -- believed to be a transformer fire at 8:50 a.m.
At 1200 West Northwest Highway between Evanston Avenue and Waterman Avenue there was a report of a loud explosion of an electric transformer.
At 103 West Lonnquist Boulevard firefighters received a report of a transformer fire near water.
At 9:52 a.m. there was a report of a large fire in a backyard. Firefighters on arrival reported light smoke in the backyard. Police were first on the scene and reported a tree fire related to a power line.
At 9:56 a.m. firefighters also received a report of a fire at 111 West Lonnquist Boulevard. Firefighers checked several homes on Lonnquist Boulevard and on West Orchard Place in the area.
On some of the scenes near Lonnquist Boulevard there was loud humming in the backyards with arcing and trees caught fire. Mount Prospect fire command reported no structures burning in the area, but that an active wire was on the ground. ComEd was requested to the scene.
Just prior to the series of electrical problems there were also several activated fire alarms, including the Central Park East Apartments on Central Road near Arthur Avenue in Arlington Heights.
Des Plaines firefighters also responded to the area near Elmhurst Road and Millers Road across from Huntington Square Apartments to a report of a line down on a fence.
Power outages reported by ComEd ...
Sunset Rd and Tower LN
Customers Affected: 98
Crew Status: Scheduling Crew
Probable Cause: Under Investigation
Estimated Restoration: Jun 27, 12:45 PM
Debra Rd and Beau Dr
Customers Affected: 420
Crew Status: Scheduling Crew
Probable Cause: Under Investigation
Estimated Restoration: Jun 27, 12:30 PM
Central Rd and Wapella Ave
Customers Affected: 91
Crew Status: Scheduling Crew
Probable Cause: Under Investigation
Estimated Restoration: Jun 27, 4:00 PM
Read complete article on Arlingtoncardinal.com ...
power outage, ComEd, downed power lines, downed power lines, power outage Mount Prospect, lines down Mount Prospect,Mount Prospect Fire Department, Mount Prospect Police Department, Hyperlocal B, Hyperlocal A