Teen Damages Door, Riding Bike Inside Pet Store on Dundee Rd, Arlington Heights

Arlington Heights police responded about 2:49 AM Friday to a disorderly conduct and criminal damage call at Pet Supplies Plus, 875 West Dundee Road Arlington Heights, IL. Police received a report that an unknown offender entered the business on his bicycle and was riding the bicycle inside the store. The offender crashed his bicycle into the exit doors several times, damaging them. The cost to repair the damage is unknown at the Pet Supplies Plus, which has been open less than one year at the location.

The offender is described as 14-16 years old wearing a hat. Arlington Heights police did not specify whether the offender was male or female.

The crime is reported to have occurred on Friday, June 29, 2018 at 2:48 AM.

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criminal damage to property, North, criminal damage to property Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Police Department, disorderly conduct, disorderly conduct Arlington Heights, Hyperlocal A