Fraudulent $100 Bill Given to Employee in Transaction at Yogurt Store on Vail Ave, Arlington Heights
Arlington Heights police received a report about 6:31 PM Wednesday of a counterfeit bill pass at Berry Yo, 50 North Vail Avenue Arlington Heights, IL. Police received a report that an unknown offender provided the employee with a fraudulent $100 dollar bill and received change. The offender is described as a black female, in her late 20's with dark hair, and a tattoo across her upper chest.
The crime is reported to have occurred on Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 6:30 PM -- just as the children's Downtown Trick or Treat Halloween festivities were ending in downtown Arlington Heights.
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counterfeit, fraudulent transaction, deception, deception Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Police Department, counterfeit Arlington Heights, counterfeit $100 bill, counterfeit $100 bill Arlington Heights, Hyperlocal A
The crime is reported to have occurred on Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 6:30 PM -- just as the children's Downtown Trick or Treat Halloween festivities were ending in downtown Arlington Heights.
Read complete article on ...$100+Bill+Given+To+Employee+In+Transaction+At+Yogurt+Store+On+Vail+Ave,+Arlington+Heights
counterfeit, fraudulent transaction, deception, deception Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Police Department, counterfeit Arlington Heights, counterfeit $100 bill, counterfeit $100 bill Arlington Heights, Hyperlocal A