Theft of Taxi Fare Service on Walnut Ave Near Palatine Rd, Arlington Heights
Arlington Heights police received a report about 11:46 AM Monday of a theft in the block of 1800 North Walnut Avenue Arlington Heights, IL. Police received a report that an unknown offender left a cab without paying the fare.
The offender was described as a young female white with black hair, wearing a black coat and black pants.
The crime is reported to have occurred on Monday, January 28, 2019 between 11:30 AM and 11:45 AM. The elapsed time range including the time the crime could have occurred is 0:15 (hours: minutes).
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theft, theft Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Police Department, theft of taxi service, theft of taxi services Arlington Heights, Hyperlocal A
The offender was described as a young female white with black hair, wearing a black coat and black pants.
The crime is reported to have occurred on Monday, January 28, 2019 between 11:30 AM and 11:45 AM. The elapsed time range including the time the crime could have occurred is 0:15 (hours: minutes).
Read complete article on ...,+Arlington+Heights
theft, theft Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Police Department, theft of taxi service, theft of taxi services Arlington Heights, Hyperlocal A