Driver Arrested Suspected of DUI at Route 53 and Palatine Rd, Arlington Heights

Arlington Heights police arrested a DUI driver 1:34 AM Sunday near Route 53 and Palatine Road Arlington Heights, IL. The driver was observed with probable cause for DUI and stopped by police. Police arrested the driver, Sarah Davin at 1:50 a.m.

Davin, who resides on Court Leona Drive in Hanover Park, was charged with ...

DUI/ Alcohol
Illegal Lane Usage, and
Disobeying a Traffic Control Device

Police transported Davin in custody to Arlington Heights Police Department Headquarters. The driver's Scion TC vehicle was towed to a police holding area.

Savin bonded out and was scheduled for court date on April 24, 2019.

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DUI, DUI arrest, arrest, North, Arlington Heights DUI arrest, DUI arrest Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Police Department, Hyperlocal A