Vehicle Burglary of Crashed Vehicle on Golf Rd Near McDonald's, Arlington Heights

Arlington Heights police received a report about 11:02 PM Saturday of a vehicle burglary in the block of 45 East Golf Road Arlington Heights, IL. Police received a report that an unknown offender or offenders unlawfully entered a vehicle that was left unattended on the roadway following an automobile accident.

The driver and owner of the vehicle exited the vehicle following a single vehicle crash into a brick retaining wall. The driver did not initially report any injuries.

The driver went inside the adjacent Chase Bank to wait for a tow truck to assist him. The vehicle was left unlocked during this time with a wallet and cell phone left unattended in the vehicle. A male offender took the opportunity to unlawfully enter the vehicle and took the victim's cell phone and wallet.

The offender is described as a male white or Hispanic, approximately 20 years-old, approximately 6' and 170 LBS.

The crime is reported to have occurred on Saturday, January 11, 2020 at 11:01 PM.

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vehicle burglary, burglary to vehicle, vehicle burglary Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights Police Department, Hyperlocal A