Home Invasion on Cedar St Near Touhy Ave, Des Plaines

Des Plaines police responded about 3:00 PM Friday to a home invasion on Cedar St just north of the intersection of Cedar Street and Touhy Avenue Des Plaines, IL. Police received a report that two unknown offenders fled in a tan Chevy sedan following a home invasion in a single-family residential neighborhood. Initially there was no additional additional description of the vehicle.

Suspect #1 male/Hispanic, 5'7" approximately age 40 with a heavy set build.

Suspect #2 was described as a female/Hispanic heavy build.

The suspects were last seen in their vehicle eastbound Touhy Avenue at River Road and then possibly near I-294.

The crime is reported to have occurred at 3:00 p.m.

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armed robbery, armed robbery Des Plaines, Des Plaines Police Department, Hyperlocal C